As a Speaker

As a speaker, Tina is engaging, entertaining, and inspiring with the ability to see past the façade to the real issues. Tina’s captivating charisma brings laughter, tears, and emotion to her audiences. She is a sought-after speaker for men and women’s groups, conferences, churches, and businesses across the United States and Canada, as well as overseas. Tina has been featured on television programs, radio, and is a resource to many public figures and those in high profile positions.
Dr.Phil, Pastors, Therapists, and Counselors recommend Tina and refer those who need her help. Regardless of the issues or trauma in the past, Tina can help find healthy resolutions that help relationships move forward and find love, joy, happiness, and fulfillment they never knew was possible.
For information on booking Tina as a speaker, please contact us today for more information.
“Tina Konkin is a leader that shifts the atmosphere and provokes real life change. Anywhere Tina is you’ll want to be there.”
-Eric Heard, Mariners Church
Living Above The Line
- “Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.” George Washington Carver
- Our brain is scientifically wired for success, each of us has the power, collectively and individually, to create and maintain lasting success.
- Sustained success takes being a profound sense of responsibility, accountability and above all else, success demands ownership.
- Living Above the Line is an active decision that each of us must make every single day – If we follow Tina’s 80/20 rule, we can live like success is the norm instead of the exception.
The Importance of Company Values
- When the employer’s and employee’s values are honored then work relationships are less stressful and way more productive. The power of honor amongst peers is of utmost importance
- When personal values are dishonored people get bent out of shape. When work and personal values are out of alignment, people can rarely align their overall goals or daily tasks. This can damage not only company culture and work relationships but more importantly, job productivity suffers. As Job satisfaction declines, so does the creative potential.
- Discover, unlock and cultivate your personal, work, and company values and watch the bottom line change.
Home & Work Balance
- Happy Home – happy boss & happy employee
- Learn how to bring “happy” to home and work
Key Note Price: $3,500 – $7,500
Custom Pricing Available
Tina Konkin was honored to be selected to be the keynote speaker for a
government sponsored Marriage Convention in Singapore in 2014.