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Imagine a life where you get to rewrite your future!

Tina Konkin is an internationally acclaimed leader and speaker on the topic of relationships. Tina regularly speaks for men’s & women’s groups, couples conferences, church groups, and business organizations. Tina, also offers  personal crisis coaching & private 1-3 day sessions focused on relentlessly achieving a life that rises to it’s full potential of God-given gifts and purpose.

Couples Retreat
with Tina Konkin

A private intensive, 3 days

Relationships Matter

A 3-Day relationship intensive
for individuals & couples.


Speaking Engagements

Check out Tina’s upcoming schedule
for appearance dates, times and information!

Our Purpose

“Healing Relationships One Broken Heart at a Time”

The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to rewrite the pain of yesterday.

Tina has appeared on multiple television shows to carry her message to the country. She has been seen on the Today Show, Real Housewives of Orange County, and several more. She has worked with celebrities past and present to help them achieve their relationship goals.

I GET TO Legacy Project

Each uniquely hand-stamped necklace helps ReBuild confidence, value and dignity by providing a low-barrier, part-time job to a Whole Way House member and supports our Community Programs while honoring the “I Get To” Legacy left by Co-Founders Jenny & Josh’s father, Ron Konkin.

Proceeds go back to the community it was created by and to the “Ron Konkin Legacy Fund” for couples and families in crisis to attend the Relationships Matter Course